General Enquiries

Got a question for us? Use the form to send us a message or email If you want to join the besea.n network, shoot us your details over on the Network page.


We receive a high number of press enquiries. To ensure your email doesn’t get lost, please email


Is there something you’ve been keen to discuss with everyone? An exploration of ESEA dessert history? Or a review on an ESEA-centric creative piece? Personal reflections on being ESEA - whatever it is, we’d love to hear from you via our pitch form.


Volunteering for besea.n

SEO Superstar? Phenomenal Proofreader? Or a Rapid Researcher? Whichever you are and whatever your skills, we welcome any and all forms of in-kind support. If volunteering for us interests you, we’d love for you to get in touch.