A Beginner’s Guide to New Year traditions of the Mekong River region
April marks the peak of the hot season for most of mainland Southeast Asia! It is an especially festive time of year for the cultures of the Mekong River region. It is the start of the new year in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia. We have provided some quick facts about the festivals and some of their differences across the countries.

Ramadan is ESEA-er than you think!
That time of year is here again for the Muslim communities across the world. It’s the Islamic holy month of Ramadan! Islam is the most practiced religion in South East Asia with its majority of followers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and smaller communities in surrounding countries.

Quick facts about Lunar New Year
In 2021, 12 February marks the Lunar New Year, which is widely celebrated across Asia. We have provided some quick facts about the festivals and some of their differences across the countries.