Shining a light on talented East and South East Asian voices in Britain and exploring important topics among our communities.

From the shame of coronaracism to queer confidence — British-born Chinese artist The Mollusc Dimension explains his journey with comic art from Squid Horse
British-born Chinese artist The Mollusc Dimension explains his journey with comic art from Squid Horse

Do industries and businesses only speak out about racism when it suits them?
Do industries and businesses only speak out against racism when it suits them?

What it’s like watching Raya from a UK SEA perspective
What it’s like watching Disney’s Raya from a UK SEA perspective

Rallying banners: How did the terms ‘ESEA’ and ‘Asian American’ take root?
How did the terms ‘ESEA’ and ‘Asian American’ take root? Amy Phung explores the events that rallied the East and South East Asian communities in the UK and US, explores the effectiveness and pitfalls of these terminologies and seeks to understand the relationships our struggles hold with colonialism and capitalism.
Sinophobia Part 2 - The Media
Part 2 of this series by Enxi Chang on Sinophobia, exploring the role of the media.

2020 - It wasn't easy, but it was ESEA
2020 was a year of many things: the pandemic, Biden winning the US election, Brexit, Tiger King and more. But out of a year that brought so many challenges, something fantastic happened - the ESEA community and allies have come together stronger than ever.

No, our food is not dirty: #ESEAeats
2020 has shown that the ESEA community has the power to take a negative and deeply triggering situation and celebrate the things which make our communities different. #ESEAeats is one example of the hope we can create and fight for collectively as one group. With defiance and resilience in taking hold of the narrative, we can continue to hold those in positions of power and influence to account.

What’s in a name? A lot, it turns out.
Examining the erasure of ESEA minorities in national statistics and a frustrating lack of consensus around the language we use to identify ourselves.